Everything is a presentation. Every presentation is riddled
with variables. You are the constant.


About Communication X

I am a presentation coach & communication consultant. I help my clients discover what they want to say, then work with them to say it the way they want to say it.

From 10+ years professional communication experience, a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies and a Masters of Education in Training & Development, I have yet to find one exclusive, “correct” way to communicate. It does not exist. There are as many ways to present as there are speakers. The key is not to perform as a speaker, but to speak as yourself. The most compelling speakers are authentic ones - those who organize, deliver, and even gesture how they genuinely feel and operate.

I utilize this authenticity-focused coaching style in service of a diverse clientele with a range of speaking comfort and presentation needs. I lead presentation skills works shops for major corporations and community colleges, online presentation skills webinars for Google and Co//Ab Co-working, and prepared 100 Duke University Scholars (Baldwin & Penny Pilgrim George) for their interviews through one-on-one coaching sessions.


Available Services


Personal Coaching

I often think of a quote from Miles Davis. “It takes a long time to sound like yourself.” It’s the paradox of presentation and communication skills: it takes a lot of work to be a natural. You are at your most compelling when you feel most authentic to who you are. Let’s start there.

Includes: toasts, confrontation, first dates, networking, stand-up, spoke word, poetry and storytelling

Professional Coaching

Communication is at the core of what we’ll do together. Whether we’re developing your leadership skills, determining strategy for your next team meeting, or crafting the biggest Talk of your life, we’ll determine what you want to say, how you want to say it, when you want to say it.

Includes: interview coaching, leading a team, delivering your big talk, skill and style refinement

Group Coaching

Communication X group trainings are tailored to your group’s needs. Workshops can be skill-focused (presentation skills) or team-centered. They can be half or full day trainings or 1 or 2 hour workshops. When they come together, something bigger is made than what was created individually.

Includes: delivering compelling presentations, collaborative team communication, effective online meetings

What is Communication X?

In under 10 minutes, Coach Katie boils 10+ years communication & presentation coaching experience down to tangible tools.

The rivers of authenticity, personal style, and even a Star Wars reference all lead to the same ocean: you are the most compelling when are you speaking at your most authentic and comfortable.


Katie in Action


Facilitating Successful Online Meetings

Katie provides go-to Zoom tips via Facebook Live presentation with SynerG & Action Greensboro.

“Slow the (bleep) down”

Katie talks with leadership, creativity, transitions and resiliency coach, Alisha Wielfaert about entrepreneurship, slowing down and understanding that when there are valley’s there will also be peaks.

26: Katie Marshall

Katie shares her journey to becoming a presentation coach with incredible podcast host, photographer, artist and person Daniel White.

“Finding Success in the journey from student to professional”

From the vault: see Katie’s 2013 TEDxGreensboro Talk on professional and personal transitions, as well as what we’re missing in the gap between college students applying for jobs and those hiring them.


My Big Three


Safety first.

It is imperative that you feel comfortable. Our time together is a safe space. You are safe to ask questions, be wrong, be creative.

We’re a team.

We’ll do this together. This is your presentation and your time. I’m here to help. I’ll meet you where you are, whether that’s in the process, location (in person or over Zoom), and at whatever place creatively you feel best. I will not write your presentation for you. But I will absolutely write it with you.

Let’s have fun.

I love my work. From public speaking to problem solving, I enjoy every step of the process. It’s okay if you’re nervous or scared. I can love the problem or the presentation enough for both of us - until you realize how much fun you’ll have, too.



Presentation skill-focused workshops


Presentations given


unique clients ranging from individuals to Duke University to Google to TEDx speakers


Do I need to have a complete presentation?

No. We can work from wherever you are in the process. You can show up with a complete presentation and we can edit it while practicing. You can have an idea that we can flesh out. We can brainstorm around a topic until we have a topic. Whatever you have, we can work with.

I don't have a formal presentation - but I do have a communication conflict l want to solve. Can we work on that?

Absolutely. Any communication situation requires certain communication skills. We can work through your crucial conversations, your big moments, or your small ones..

Which is more important - content or delivery?

You cannot out present a subpar presentation. However, if your delivery is poor - messy or unprepared, too fast or too slow - the best presentation won't save you. Ideally, your content and delivery align so that the information is supported by your tone and pace.

What is one thing every speaker can change to immediately improve performance?

Focus on your breathing. The more you can breathe, the more you can pause. The more you can pause, the more organized and intentional your points will be. Plus, your energy will come through your tone. Most of us speed through our sentences to finish them and alleviate the discomfort of speaking. Breathe. Pause. Be in the moment. You got this.

Why do presentations make me nervous?

Everyone's presentation speaking anxiety is unique to them and their specific experiences. What we know of public speaking anxiety is that it is tied to your Fight or Flight skills. Your body wants to protect you from new and potentially dangerous experiences - like presentations. When you get up to present, your body tries to help you by pumping you full of adrenaline. Your public speaking anxiety may just be your survival skills - paired with anything from a fear of failure to lack of preparation. Whatever it is, we can work on it.

I'm fine with prepared presentations. It's the spontaneous questions and unprepared moments I don't like. Is that something that can be fixed?

Absolutely. Preparation for the unpreapared moments is a skill that can be honed. Together, we'll create a few sentence structures for your answers, as well as possible next steps. You'll be surprised, but not unprepared.

What They’re Saying


“I became overwhelmed with emotion after my sessions with Katie. I realized it was because I wasn’t accustomed to the amount of genuine praise and encouragement she provided. She’s made a far bigger impact on my life than I could have ever imagined and will be forever grateful for her work and advice.”

Dorothy Zhan
Sociology and Economics, Duke University '23

“Katie helped me immensely when preparing for a public speaking engagement. She was able to provide specific guidance that improved the content as well as my confidence in delivering it. In addition, the suggestions Katie made to my approach to presenting have proven valuable in a number of other business settings.”

Gary Thompson
President/Creative Director, Ten Pound Hammer

“After investing in myself by working with a professional, I’ve seen enormous benefits in career development/progression and even in my personal relationships. Whatever your challenges may hinge on, you’ll benefit having the expertise of someone like Katie on your team to help figure it out.”

AC Turner
Manager of Marketing Development, Red Hat

Let’s talk.